Cashman: Warren’s picks could put her in bind with Dems

head shotIf U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to be a kingmaker among Democrats, she needs to choose her candidates carefully and be prepared for the political fallout when her picks don’t pan out with voters.

Just last week, Warren stuck her neck out for Congressman John Tierney, sending an email stating, “My friend John Tierney has always fought for Massachusetts’ families. ... Please donate what you can today to help send John back to Congress so he and I can keep fighting for Massachusetts families.”

Whoops. Her support wasn’t enough to galvanize weary voters, who chose Seth Moulton instead.

Now Sen. Warren is stumping for Attorney General Martha Coakley and telling constituents she believes unequivocally that Coakley will be our next governor.

It is one thing to speak to Coakley’s candidacy and resume, but Warren placing her bet 
now could be a costly prediction if Coakley isn’t able to beat out Republican Charlie Baker.

Warren might be our “senior senator,” but she’s still a freshman in the world of politics and is still earning her stripes.

If she can’t choose winners in her own state, why would pols from outside the commonwealth turn to Warren?

The phone calls will stop coming from places like Colorado, where Warren 
recently campaigned for U.S. Sen. Mark Udall’s re-election.

If Scott Brown is able to beat out U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, that will further 
undermine Warren’s political clout, considering she is pushing hard for the New Hampshire Democrat to demolish her former opponent.

Warren needs these Democrats to win in order for political pundits to keep talking about her 2016 presidential potential.

The odds aren’t in her favor considering even the president’s former press secretary Jay Carney said on CNN, “It’s not going to be a good year for Democrats.”

Maybe she doesn’t care if her chosen candidates don’t win — this would only be true if she REALLY doesn’t have her sights on the White House.

If polling remains strong for Warren, she would be a fool not to consider taking 
on Clinton, who so far isn’t impressing 

Jaclyn Cashman co-hosts “Morning 
Meeting” from 9 a.m. to noon on Boston Herald Radio. Follow her on twitter 
at @JaclynCashman.


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