Cashman: Warren Buffett just first of Hillary Clinton’s friends to lash out at Elizabeth Warren

head shotOne man almost everyone listens to says U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has anger issues and he won’t be backing her presidential bid if she chooses to take on Hillary Clinton.

The gloves are officially off in the Democratic race for president.

Warren Buffett made that loud and clear during an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” yesterday.

“I think that she would do better if she was less angry and demonize less,” Buffett said of the Bay State senator and possible presidential candidate. “I believe in ‘hate the sin but love the sinner.’ And I’m not sure that I’ve fully convinced Elizabeth Warren that that’s the way to go.”

The Wizard of Omaha came out swinging against Clinton’s biggest potential opponent on the day the Wall Street Journal said the former U.S. Secretary of State will announce her run for president in April. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Clinton needs to work on killing the Warren momentum among liberals, and Buffett took the first shot.

If Warren wants to be president she needs to get in now. Otherwise, expect more well-known Democrats to knock the winds out of her sails to help catapult Clinton.

Clinton is the unexciting presumed front-runner, but her supporters need to help transform her into the exciting Democratic favorite.

Buffett is one of the wealthiest men in America who has plenty of rich friends who will help fund Clinton’s campaign. The longer Warren stays on the sidelines the more time Clinton has to win over top Democrats who will fill her campaign pockets with millions of dollars.

In the meantime, it is very helpful for Clinton to have well-respected members of her party claim Warren is part of the bipartisan problems in Washington. As Buffett said, “I think it’s a mistake to get angry with people that disagree with you.”

He added: “I mean, in the end, we do have to work together.”

I am waiting for an email to pop up in my inbox from Senator Warren letting me know why she’s so “angry” in response to Buffett’s comments. Warren loves to slam the uber-rich who have made their money on Wall Street while the middle class gets “hammered.” Buffett could be her next target.

The next time Clinton is going to send a surrogate out to slam Warren it might be better to attack her policies and not her personality. At the very least make sure to stay away from sexist terms like “bossy.”

But this round goes to Clinton. The Oracle has spoken.

Jaclyn Cashman is co-host of “Morning Meeting” on Boston Herald Radio.

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