Cashman: Time for rivals to take off gloves

head shotLeave your talking points at the door. Save your stump speeches for the campaign trail. At today’s Boston Herald Radio debate, we’re aiming for a free-flowing conversation where we’ll learn more about the three candidates facing off in the Democratic gubernatorial primary.

In terms of policy and their positions on issues, Martha Coakley, Steve Grossman and Don Berwick have more in common than not, but we intend to dig deeper and press them on their positions. Our objective is to take a closer look at the candidates to help you decide who is the best person to represent the Dems in November’s general election. We want clear examples of how each intends to act as governor of the commonwealth.

As moderator, my goal is an engaging conversation, and my task is to not let anyone skirt pointed questions. Let’s hope for some off-the-cuff moments where you actually learn something new about the politicians.

With two weeks to go before the primary election that will winnow the Democratic field on Sept. 9, this is a make-or-break moment for these rivals. It is time for them to take off the gloves and enter the ring if they want to be your next governor.

Jaclyn Cashman co-hosts “Morning Meeting” on Boston Herald Radio from 9 a.m. to noon. Follow her on Twitter at @JaclynCashman.

Copyright © 2025 Jaclyn Cashman.
