It seems like an urban legend that creeps will put razors in your kid’s candy or throw a pot gummy bear in their bags — yet police are still sounding the alarms.
As parents, we can’t ignore them.
Over the weekend Walpole’s Police Chief John Carmichael Jr. tweeted, “please be bit more cautious inspecting Halloween unwrapped
unmarked candy for THC infused products.”
So as a parent of two young boys, I am stuck going against common sense and must be extra cautious while my kids knock on my neighbors’ doors.
This local chief — who also happens to be on the state’s Cannabis Advisory Board — isn’t the only law enforcement official taking to Twitter to warn moms and dads. The Attorney General’s Office in New Jersey did the same, stating: “Parents: Check #Halloween candy for #marijuana infused candy.”
I agree with pot heads that stoners won’t willingly give away their edibles. However, when these guys get high as a kite they might mistakenly toss a few tainted sweets in the candy bucket.
One person tweeted: “People don’t even give out full size Snickers & these squares are worried about weed gummies lol.”
Yes, they are.
As a soccer mom, I would love to simmer down and just enjoy the night where my kids eat way too much candy and have their annual meltdown. Since we have edibles now available in our state and no kid could tell if it was a sugar or pot treat, we have to monitor everything.
Kids have accidentally mistaken regular candy for weed laced treats already. In January a Framingham teenager found what looked like gummy bears on the bus to school and ate the whole bag. He called him mom sobbing at school. She took him immediately to the hospital. It turned out to be THC-laced edibles.
So to somehow suggest that accidents can’t happen is ridiculous. The general belief is not that potheads want to get young kids sick, but instead they make a stoner mistakes.
Boston Police Lt. Det. Michael McCarthy says the city has not dealt with candy tampering while he’s been on the job over the last few years, but he did say, as a general practice, parents should check the candy.
It’s a night to have fun, not to spend it in the ER worried sick.
Jaclyn Cashman is co-host of the “Morning Meeting” show on Boston Herald Radio. Follow her on Twitter @JaclynCashman.
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