If Bostonians really want to protest President Donald Trump, they should have “gone high,” as Michelle Obama famously said, rather than march around Boston Common with extremely foul language scrawled across their demonstration signs.
The liberals who took to the streets of Boston yesterday with raunchy signboards need to get off their moral high horses and realize they are no better than their hated commander in chief when they plaster the P-word and the F-word on poster boards.
Why are so many of the Democrats who were offended by Trump’s potty mouth on the campaign trail willing to use the same salty language to protest him? Am I missing something? I left yesterday’s march through Boston thinking they have more in common with the man then they realized.
We took our 4-year-old son ice skating at Frog Pond before the rally really began and it was alarming to see so many youngsters on the Common surrounded by lunatics holding signs that read: “Grabbing him by the d---”, “P---- Power”, “Keep your small hands off my p-----.”
I actually confronted some young 20-something guys who were holding papers with grotesque phrases over their heads while skating among the kids. They surprisingly apologized for their poor decision before skating away and calling me a traitor.
In retrospect, I should’ve ignored my little boy’s request to go skating to avoid the aggravation.
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