Donald Trump put foot in mouth with his response to Brexit, but Hillary Clinton did worse with her follow-up, misleading attack ad. Even when the truth can benefit her, she still chooses to lie. Trump’s nickname of “Crooked Hillary” only gained more validity with her latest campaign video slamming Trump.
After Britain voted last week to divorce from the European Union, Donald Trump visited his newly opened golf course in Scotland. When asked about the impact of the British exit and plummeting pound he told reporters, “You know, when the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry, frankly.”
Instead of blasting this self-centered non-presidential remark, Clinton’s team created a video of Trump playing golf, when in fact he never played golf during his short trip to Turnberry.
The stock footage of him playing golf attempted to further drive home a narrative that Trump is tone deaf to world affairs – too bad it wasn’t from this trip. This illustrates a problem with the Clinton team – even when the truth is the best option they still decide to choose another path filled with dirty politics.
Trump tweeted, “Crooked Hillary just took a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry. Shows me hitting shot, but I never did = lie! Was there to support son.”
Democratic consultant, Doug Rubin, who is responsible for the political careers of Deval Patrick and Elizabeth Warren, told me on Boston Herald Radio, “There’s so much to work with if you are trying to show that Donald Trump is not fit to be president that you don’t need to go that extra mile in order to do things that are not 100 percent accurate. Because just hisown words are enough to prove the case.”
Rubin said, “The fact that someone who is running for president there first thought about the Brexit was it is going to help my personal investment and my personal golf club in Scotland, right away this person might not be qualified to be president.”
Both candidates have their weaknesses – Trump with his cutting and sometimes crude comments and Clinton with her inability to tell the truth. Yet this was not a scenario where Clinton needed to stray from reality.
The truth was Clinton’s friend and she still turned her back on it. Do we really want our next Commander in Chief to constantly lie to our faces? Luckily for her the media prefers to talk about his comments and not her dirty tricks.
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