Cashman: Donna Karan must fashion better reply to Weinstein query

headshotFashion designer Donna Karan cant seem to figure out how to say “I am sorry” for claiming Harvey Weinstein’s victims might have been “asking for it” because of the way they dressed.

First she released a statement days after her outrageous comments claiming she was taken out of context during a red carpet interview. Now she blames the media! Here’s what she just said in an interview with Women’s Wear Daily, “And I was confused by the question,” she said. “I mean, I hadn’t been paying attention to any of the news, and you hear little stories here and a little story there. And quite honestly, it wasn’t my place to say anything. Sometimes the press can kind of gear you on, and I didn’t feel it was appropriate.”

Really? She was the one trying to provide cover for her perverted, powerful predator of a friend.

It absolutely is the reporter’s place to ask friends of Weinstein’s what they think of the allegations. This was not ambush reporting.

One of Weinstein’s alleged victims, Rose McGowan, called Karan “scum in a fancy dress.”

There’s a small but growing group of women on twitter calling for women to boycott the brand. And, one poster wrote, “Women are not asking to be raped based on their clothing. #boycottdonnakaran I wore khakis w/long sleeve shirt when attacked by a stranger.”

Karan suggested these eight women reportedly assaulted by Weinstein had it coming. She said, “I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?

“You look at everything all over the world today and how women are dressing and what they are asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for? Trouble,” she said.

Besides blaming the media for taking her out of context, she also got amnesia. “I said, ‘I said that? ... What? I didn’t say that. That’s ridiculous,” she stated.

Instead of profusely apologizing for her hurtful comments Karan cant seem to own her poor judgement and tasteless remarks regarding these victims.

More women should stand up against this type of behavior.

The next time someone asks the 69-year-old designer “what did I think about what happened to Harvey?” she better have a better answer.

Jaclyn Cashman is co-host of Herald Radio’s “Morning Meeting” show. Follow her on Twitter @JaclynCashman.

Copyright © 2025 Jaclyn Cashman.
