Cashman: Chris Christie questions Hillary Clinton’s skills with public

head shotAfter New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s successful two-day road trip to

New Hampshire, expect to see growing attention on this potential GOP

presidential candidate at this weekend’s First in The Nation Summit in

the Granite State (FITN).

Christie is one of the featured speakers at the summit, the equivalent

of a mini-Republican convention attended by all the presidential

hopefuls. He might not have the poll numbers just yet of Jeb Bush, but

he appears to have an innate ability to connect with voters.

“I think in this business, and if you are someone who wants to be in

public life, you have to like meeting people,” Christie told Boston

Herald Radio yesterday. “I love meeting people ... I had a really

substantive conversation with a woman in a pizza place about my

proposals on social security and Medicare.”

He said holding town hall meetings and connecting with voters “makes

you a better leader.”

So what does it say about Hillary Clinton when she makes a pit stop at

Chipotle during her road trip to Iowa and never shakes a single hand

with diners?

Christie had an explanation.

“I don’t know if this is something she really enjoys doing and we are

going to have to watch over a period of time how she conducts herself

as a candidate for president,” he said.

Perfectly put. Christie needs to soften his image a bit among female

voters, and showing some restraint when addressing Clinton is probably

smart — at least for now.

Other 2016 GOP contenders like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kentucky Sen.

Rand Paul have taken a hard-line approach toward the former secretary

of state. I think casting a shadow of doubt about whether Clinton

likes campaigning is a smarter tactic than telling voters she doesn’t

really want to shake your hand or hear about your problems. The

surveillance camera image plastered all over the news of Clinton

wearing sunglasses inside a fast food restaurant says it all for him.

Instead of discrediting her candidacy, Christie addressed the uphill

battle a Republican will face in beating her.

“Whoever is the Republican nominee can’t take anything for granted,”

he said. “We have to go out and earn the votes.”

That’s an interesting choice of words, considering that many feel

Clinton hasn’t earned her frontrunner status and that the nomination

will be all but handed to her on a platter.

Another well-played subtle attack by Christie. Look for more tomorrow

afternoon at FITN.

Jaclyn Cashman is co-host of the “Morning Meeting” show on Boston Herald Radio.

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