studies books if Democrats have their way in writing the chapter on
why Hillary Clinton lost the campaign.
She and Bill blame James Comey for relaunching an FBI investigation so
close to the election. Democrats blame Russia for hacking the DNC and
the massive data dumps.
Democrats remain in total denial that they elevated a flawed,
unlikable candidate who represented the same old same old. Hillary
Clinton also used her role as secretary of state to benefit her family
foundation and then deleted thousands of her emails to hide her
President-elect Donald Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus said it
best Sunday: “People didn’t like the product, that’s why Hillary
Clinton lost.”
Yet that salient point will likely be lost by the liberals who write
the history books for our youngsters. Will they even include what
WikiLeaks reported on how the Democratic National Committee was
actively working to knock out Bernie Sanders to make way for Clinton —
or how the media helped Clinton in debate prep?
Or will they exclude those pesky details, as the much of the
mainstream press did, because they were “stolen” information.
Americans were willing to take a risk on someone who has never held
public office, shoots from the hip, and says outrageous things mostly
because he is authentic, for better or for worse. That’s the
unvarnished story about the election.
Bill Clinton was recently asked if Trump was smart.
“He doesn’t know much. One thing he does know is how to get angry,
white men to vote for him,” he said.
The former president is living in another reality if he thinks only
angry white men made up the 62.9 million who voted for Trump.
I can almost give Bill a pass on making excuses because it’s his wife.
But the rest of the party needs to take a long look in the mirror and
acknowledge that it rode the wrong horse for the race.
For starters, their platform is badly in need of some recalibrating.
The same goes for their messengers. Of course, the party completely
missed the boat when it kept Nancy Pelosi as minority leader.
Congressmen Seth Moulton and Stephen Lynch are among the few smart
politicians trying to rebuild their party. Maybe they could whisper in
the ears of these text book publishers to ensure the real story is
told to our kids.
Jaclyn Cashman hosts “Morning Meeting” from 9 a.m. to noon on Boston
Herald Radio. Follow her on Twitter at @JaclynCashman.
Copyright © 2025 Jaclyn Cashman.